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Why Trade Forex?

Posted: 08 Sep 2023, 17:06
by Braylon
The forex market is fast becoming the most attractive and popular market globally. The traditional stock market is no longer relevant, and traders are moving fast into the forex market. We collected here a few reasons to show you why this is happening and what advantages the Forex market has that make it so popular.
We choose to focus on a few very important advantages of forex trading and the reasons that people choose this market:

Forex is the largest financial market in the world. The daily volume of the forex market is huge—over $3 trillion per day. This makes the stability of the market very good compared to stock trading. The price in the Forex market is exactly what you see and get, and you can follow it very easily.

Forex trading simplifies everything; there are no clearing, exchange, government, brokerage, or intermediary fees. Eliminating the intermediaries gets the traders closer to the actual trade and makes the traders responsible for their pricing. The brokers are usually paid through a service called "bid-ask spread."