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Why do you prefer to trade forex?

Posted: 08 Sep 2023, 16:59
I prefer trading forex because of the potential opportunities to grow my wealth and meet like-minded individuals. By trading forex, I can stay informed about the economy, politics, and technology. During a macroeconomic event, I made a 2000 Euro profit on GBP/USD four years ago. Through conversations with experienced traders, I learned about money management and technical analysis. However, I should have followed the rules and lost money. I realized I needed to develop a new fundamental strategy, which was successful for one month but not the next. After feeling discouraged, I spoke with my grandmother and trusted my intuition. I developed a scalping strategy and learned that innovation often comes with mistakes. Now, I consistently earn between 0.5% and 5% daily and sometimes more when a central bank president speaks. I am grateful that my intuition has led me to success in forex trading.